A confident woman in a gray top

What is the Meaning of Sexual Empowerment?

How a Sex Mat Can Boost Your Confidence and Sex Life

How you regard yourself and how you see yourself fitting into the society around you is an important facet of your personality. Many different things come into play, including personal feelings about your sexuality. These feelings can be formed early in life by your upbringing and family experience, they can be shaped by the society you live in, and by genetic factors. In today’s post, we will discuss sexual empowerment and its importance in creating and maintaining a healthy psychological outlook.

How Empowerment Works

To feel empowered, certain factors must be present. You should feel free to make decisions about your body, for example. This autonomy means you understand that you have the right to choose sexual partners and engage in sexual activities, or not, without fear of coercion, judgment, or persecution. Other factors that affect the meaning of sexual empowerment in your life include the following:

Understanding Consent – Consent is a two-way street and you should never forget you have the right to say no. When a person says no and does not want to engage in sex, they should be able to do so without feeling the need to explain themselves.

Self-Respect and Confidence – These complex feelings are interrelated and important for your psychological health. They can directly affect feelings of sexual empowerment, which can in turn affect your feelings of self-respect and confidence.

Access to Information – Information from personal experience and other forms of education can be important for developing feelings of empowerment. Knowing that you are not alone, and other people exist who feel the same way or have similar experiences can be a powerful factor in developing confidence and feelings of self-worth.

A man studying a book

How Masturbation Helps

Sexual empowerment means you are in control of the sexual experience and you can have sex when you want it. It means you have the power to say yes or no at any moment, and no one can control your ability to enjoy physical pleasure or access to an orgasm. Masturbation can be an important tool in fostering feelings of empowerment and may improve your sex life.

How Toys Help

Sex toys can be an important therapeutic device for helping men and women develop feelings of empowerment.

Vibrators and dildos can increase feelings of sexual empowerment and boost confidence by making orgasms easier to attain. They can have drawbacks, however. They require you to use your hands, which may prevent you from moving naturally. They can inhibit natural expression.

Dildos and vibrators with suction cups on the bottom can eliminate the need for you to use your hands, but they need a smooth surface for attachment. This is what the Lotus Sex Mat provides.

A relaxed and happy couple

How The Lotus Sex Mat Helps

The Lotus Sex Mat can be used in almost any room. It can be a valuable partner in your search for sexual empowerment and meaningful moments of sexual release.

Using the mat is simple. Roll it out on almost any hard floor or carpeted surface so that it lays flat. Moisten the suction cup on your dildo or vibrator and attach it to the hard plastic base. Straddle your toy or sit on it, and engage in whatever activity you like, with your toy securely attached beneath you.

Your hands remain free to stimulate other parts of your body or your partner, while your toy remains firmly in place. Now you’re ready to self-pleasure in safety, confident that your toy won’t come free and leave you in an unexpected lurch. The mounting surface is big enough to hold multiple toys, making it easy to switch around.

Gain More Confidence With Every Climax

Being able to achieve an orgasm when you want it can boost feelings of self-confidence. Research has shown that using toys like vibrators may increase your sex drive and intimacy between couples.

Using the Lotus Sex Mat may help improve your sex life and your ability to form closer bonds with romantic partners. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about our products that our FAQ page doesn’t cover, and check out our blog for informative articles about sex toys and self-pleasure.

About the Author

Raya Love

Alex Bliss is a pleasure enthusiast and freelance writer who began to focus on sex education several years ago. Alex became interested in helping others explore and understand their own needs when they realized that there wasn’t enough conversation around sex accommodation for differently abled, transgender, and marginalized individuals. On the Raya blog, Alex hopes to help others revolutionize their most intimate moments by creating a safe space to share experiences and foster education.

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